How to Grill Anything...The Secret is the Grilling Trilogy

Lots of people as me, “What should I grill first? Are there things that are easier than others?”

I always say, think about what your favorite foods to eat are and try them. Most of the time, you can cook on the grill only using olive oil, kosher salt and pepper—I call this my grilling trilogy. If you know the difference between direct and indirect heat and when to use it, all you need is the trilogy and the heat of a good grill to make a great meal!

The next question is always, what is your number one grilling rule?

Oil the food, not the grates! This helps to prevent the food from sticking which is a huge issue. Many grillers think if they oil the cooking grates, the food won’t stick. But the reverse is true. Often, the “stickage” is worse because the oil starts to burn and becomes tacky—almost like glue—before they get the food on the grill. When you put un-oiled food on top of sticky, tacky burned oil, it’s like gluing the food to the cooking grates. Your food won’t stick if it is brushed with a thin coat of olive oil and placed on clean cooking grates. Plus the oil promotes caramelization which is the key to those great looking, great tasting grill marks!

The other most important tip is don’t try to turn the food too early. Most food—especially protein—initially sticks to the grill. Once it is cooked on one side, it will naturally release and you’ll be able to flip with ease using only tongs. If it sticks, it’s probably not ready to flip.

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Copyright 2023 Elizabeth Karmel

Elizabeth Karmel